Thursday, April 4, 2019

Blue Moon Beer


Photography of Blue Moon Beer

Shooting liquid beverages, especially beer can be particularly challenging, not only technically, but also aesthetically to the extent that you're able to make your photograph stand out from the rest of all the beer photography out there. This could be made easier or harder by the vision of an art director who sees the image in specific terms. Easier because you're jt becomes one of execution and figuring our how to capture the intended outcome, and harder because it requires an expected outcome. Here I have a fairly straight forward, head on shot with dramatically lit background to highlight the beer in the bottle and the glass of beer behind it.

And then there are things that can be done later in the post shoot environment, in applications like Adobe Photoshop to enhance it even completely modify the original photograph. But before we get there we still have to define the set light the subject. In this case I used a a small sheet of clear glass laid on top of a dark, brown colored tile to give it a glossy wet look.

In this shot I only used two lights, one softbox off to camera right which was partially blocked by a black flag towards the back to maintain a dark background behind the bottle and glass. The second light was set up below the the table and bounced off of a black card to created the glow and a deep yellow gel over the light to create the color.

A certain amount of work was done off camera in Photoshop, to enhance the image and even change the. background. 


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