Tuesday, April 2, 2019


Finding great props for your shoot.

Setting the stage for your shoot can start with finding the right background and props. Finding the right props can be a challenge and a mission on it's own. It can also be a expedition to places unknown and exploring a world of possibilities. 

I recently discovered two great and distinctively different places full of wonderful treasures and possibilities for photographic props, backgrounds and even subject matter.

One such place in Philadelphia is Provenance, a wonderland of salvaged and in many cases restored vintage objects of art, architectural elements, every day items, windows doors, instruments and antique wood. All within one large clean well organized warehouse.

Another place is Philadelphia Salvage, another large warehouse brimming with stuff, amazing stuff. Unlike Provenance, here you have explore your way around the dimly lit warehouse to find the perfect jewel of whatever it is you're looking for.

From gum ball machines to bicycles and motorcycles the place is stacked high full of goodies. You might even find an irresistible old typewriter you must have.

In any event it's always a joy to find great resources that can enrich your photographs and delight the sense. If you're in the area, you might want to include these places on your list of props and backgrounds for your next shoot. 

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